Ascii & Abraxas
With the acceptance of ASCI and Abraxas being our first commission, and a double at that, Kaiborg Studios had officially begun.
The original master was sculpted with a combination of rigid foam, filler putty, apoxie-sculpt, and heat formed expanded PVC. A mold was then created using platinum cure silicone and fiberglass reinforced urethane resin as the mold jacket. The helmet was then slush cast with urethane resin.
The tails are dense foam sculted around a rigid delrin rod for support. The claws on each arm sleeve were sculpted in oil clay, molded in platinum cure silicone, and slush cast in urethane resin.
Powered by an Arduino Uno and an Adafruit Trinket, the electronics are housed in a discrete enclosed backpack. For temperature control, a fan is located under the chin.
They feature:
- 8x static blue and amber 16x8 LED matrices and 1x 16x8 matrix, on Adafruit LED matrix backpacks. Each matrix is individually controllable and addressable via I2C.
-The single 16x8 matrix has 5 toggleable emote images controlled by 5 discrete momentary switches located at each finger tip.
- Electroluminescent panels in both cheeks as well as EL wire running across each ear.
- 10 inch deep vacuum formed PETG visor, tinted black.