RAM: Random Access Memories
RAM began as a student project, completed between 2014 and 2015. His debut spawned the beginning of Kaiborg Studios.
The original buck was sculpted with a combination of rigid foam, filler putty, apoxie-sculpt, and heat formed expanded PVC. A mold was then created using platinum cure silicone and fiberglass reinforced urethane resin as the mold jacket. The helmet was then slush cast with urethane resin.
Powered by an Arduino Uno and an Adafruit Trinket, the electronics are housed in a discrete enclosed backpack. For temperature control, two fans are located at the corners of either side of the mouth.
He features:
- Animated 8x 16x8 and 2x 8x8 red LED matrices, on Adafruit LED matrix backpacks. Each matrix is individually controllable and addressable via I2C.
- Electroluminescent panels in both cheeks and ears.
- Voice modulation via microphone and an Adafruit wave shield.
- 12 inch deep vacuum formed PETG visor, tinted black.
A prototype to his core, this build was a proof of concept in many ways.